This is my writing blog, where I will be shamelessly posting my work. Poems, short stories, flash fiction, extracts from novels...they'll all be here. And if you don't like any of that, just play with the tiger.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Award! Award!

Many thanks to the lovely Carenza at LightlyDone for awarding me the rather splendid Roar Award (see left). I now get to nominate five other blogs, so I'm off to do some concerted surfing. Of course, I'm supposed to be writing an essay now, but one must have one's priorities...


Papoosue said...

'supposed to be writing' eh? Now why does that sound familiar...

Congratulations on the Award! x

Viki Lane said...

Thanks, Sue! I haven't picked my nominees yet...the small matter of Christmas shopping got in the way!

With thanks to Graeme