This is my writing blog, where I will be shamelessly posting my work. Poems, short stories, flash fiction, extracts from novels...they'll all be here. And if you don't like any of that, just play with the tiger.

Thursday, 19 July 2007

What I've been doing when not displacing...

My first novel - a children's book about a young lad who befriends a miniature talking gorilla - is almost on the verge of being sent out into the world to seek its fortune, if I can ever get that pesky synopsis written. This is scary and exciting in equal measure...contacting agents and so on seems like a grown-up, writerly thing to do, but I just know I will dissolve into a howling mass of hurt feelings and outraged dismay once the rejections start rolling in, like a pushy parent whose kid never gets picked for the school team. Still, I've got to try, haven't I?

I've recently finished one short story, set in the First World War (a literary obsession of mine), and I have another one (not set in WWI - I don't want to typecast myself) mired in an indeterminate stage of editing. I know it needs to be slashed and beaten into shape in a hard-faced manner, but I can't decide which bits to cull. Hey ho.

My poetry muse, such as it ever was, has packed up and gone on a long holiday. If you see it, could you please send it home? I'll even pay for its excess baggage.


Kerenhappuch said...

May be your poetry muse has gone skiing with a penguin friend - but where ever it has gone I promise youit will come back of its own accord when the time is right - in the mean time start writing that synopsis and send your novel out to seek its fortune. Wishing you all success -

Kerenhappuch said...

I'm sure your poetry muse will return loaded with inspiration

Viki Lane said...

thanks for the support. Thus encouraged, I'm off to go penguin-sledging...err, I mean, to write that synopsis...

With thanks to Graeme